Our growing team is dedicated to providing quality music therapy services to our clients. Every Voice also supports positive growth in the music therapy profession by providing opportunities for music therapy interns to grow their skills in preparation for their professional careers.
Stephanie Appleton, MT-BC, WMTR
Senior Board-Certified Music Therapist
Founder & Director of Services
​Serving clients at our clinic, West Madison, and Green County
Sarah Miller, MT-BC, WMTR
Senior Board-Certified Music Therapist
Assistant Director of Services
Serving clients at our clinic and in the field primarily in Fitchburg/Verona area
Sam Loeser, MT-BC, WMTR
Board-Certified Music Therapist
Serving clients at our clinic and in East Madison and Sun Prairie
Samie Willis, MT-BC, WMTR
Board-Certified Music Therapist
Serving clients at our clinic and West Madison/Fitchburg area
Gabby Crawley, MT-BC, WMTR
Board-Certified Music Therapist
Serving clients at our clinic and in West Madison and Green County
Erma Dippold, MT-BC, WMTR
Board-Certified Music Therapist
Serving clients at our clinic and in East Madison and Sun Prairie area
Abbie Hays, MT-BC, WMTR
Board-Certified Music Therapist
Serving clients at our clinic and in East Madison/Sun Prairie area